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Upsells, Bundles, and Course Hubs
How To Create A Course Hub To Showcase All Your Courses Or Themes
How To Create A Course Hub To Showcase All Your Courses Or Themes

Course Hubs are an easy way to create a school, dashboard, or collection of Courses or Themes quickly and easily.

Jason Zook avatar
Written by Jason Zook
Updated over a week ago

If you ever wanted to showcase a handful of your courses on ONE page, Course Hubs is the feature for you!

In this help doc, we’re going to walk you through setting up a Course Hub as well as a few creative ideas for how to use Course Hubs.

📌 We also have two other related help docs:

And if you’re looking for our advanced tip on how to hide Buy Buttons or hide Login Buttons in a Course Hub you can click here to jump to the bottom of this help doc.

🎥 Video: How to Create and Setup Your Course Hub

You can watch the full walkthrough video or scroll down to read the step-by-step instructions 👍.

NOTE: The "Hubs" navigation item now lives under the secondary navigation when you're viewing your Teach section.

Step 1: Creating the Hub

This one is easy! Simply navigate to Course Hubs and click the + Create new hub button. You’ll create a name for your Hub, which you can always change at a later date.

Step 2: Add Courses or Themes to the Hub

A Course Hub can showcase as many Courses or Themes as you like, there are NO limits! To start, click the + Add Course button to start choosing Courses or Themes to add to your Hub. You can scroll through all your Courses and Themes and select them OR you can search by name and select them.

Course Hubs also have multiple Sections! You’ll see the + Add a section block at the bottom of your Hub. When you add a new Section you can drag and drop any Courses or Themes into that Section OR you can directly add Courses or Themes to it with the + Add Course button.

If you want to move a Section up or down in your Hub, you can drag an entire Section quickly and easily using the up/down ⬆️⬇️ arrow icon.

Step 3: Set Your Button Links

Once you’ve added your Courses or Themes to your Hub, there are 3 button options you can use for every Course or Theme:

  1. Buy Button (can link to a Payment Page within the Course or Theme OR an external URL)

  2. Learn More Button (can link to a Landing Page within the Course or Theme OR an external URL)

  3. Login Button (you cannot change the destination of this URL, it is done automatically)

You’ll notice you can also change the text on each individual button for maximum customization and flexibility.

Step 4: Customize and Style Your Hub

The space at the top of your Hub should look very familiar 😉. You can add a Header Image, exactly like our Header Image feature within Courses or Hubs (setting it to full-width or column-width). There are also multiple text areas at the top of your Hub you can change and update to your liking.

📌 PRO-TIP: Want to make sure it’s a good experience for customers who may have already purchased Courses or Themes in your Hub? We recommend adding a line of text somewhere at the top of your Hub instructing your customers to log in to Teachery with the email address and password they’ve used to purchase any Course or Theme from you. Here’s an example of a simple way to execute this (the linked text shown below goes to

Course Hubs come with their own Style Editor and Custom CSS area. If you only want to change the colors of buttons and other small things, you’ll find these items in the Style Your Hub section of the left sidebar editor. Want to get wild 🧑‍🎤👨‍🎤 with your customization? Have fun using our Add Custom CSS section (just be careful and remember we are not responsible for incorrectly added code/CSS to a Hub).

Step 5: Finalize Your Hub Settings

Within the Hub Settings section of the left sidebar, you can navigate to the Manage Options page. Inside this page, you’ll find the following settings:

  • Hub Name (this will display at the top of a browser window)

  • Hub URL (use our default URLs)

  • Select Font (over 30 Google Fonts to choose from to customize your Hub further!)

  • Head Tag Injection and Body Tag Injection areas (add scripts or a custom favicon)

  • Custom Domain (use our Custom Domain or Custom Subdomain help docs)

  • Turn Hub ON/OFF (if you want to close a Hub down at a later date, but still keep it)

You’ll notice in the left sidebar under Hub Settings there are also options to Duplicate Hub and Delete Hub. Pretty self-explanatory options 😘.

Step 6: Share Your Hub! 🎉 ✅

That’s it, friend! Your Course Hub is ready to be shared with the world. There is NO publish button, simply use the handy 🔗 Copy Link to Hub in the left sidebar of the Hub editor (or use the Copy Link to Hub button on the Hub Dashboard page) to share your Hub URL.

👍 Idea: “Standard” Course Hub

There’s nothing fancy about this idea 😉. If you’re a Teachery user with many Courses (and/or Themes), creating a one-stop-shop Course Hub is going to be a game-changer for you! This will give you ONE simple URL to share with your customers to access or purchase Courses/Themes.

The idea is very simple: Create a Hub, add all the Courses (and/or Themes) you actively are selling, separate them by Sections, set all your button links, and once your Hub is completed grab the Course Hub URL and place it prominently on your website, in your marketing content, AND* in your other Courses (or Themes)!

*This is a great way to market and promote the other things you create and sell using Teachery, but cross-promoting your Hub in existing Courses or Themes.

👤 Idea: Course Hub as a Client Resource Area

Do you work 1-on-1 with clients? You can use a Course Hub as a place to link to helpful resources that you and your client work on together that are created within Teachery.

Let’s say you have a Course in Teachery where you work directly with your client. And maybe you have a second course that’s a collection of resources or assets you’ve built for your client. You can add these two courses to your Hub. BUT, imagine you want to add a third Course to the Hub, but you don’t actually want to link to that course (it has nothing to do with your client at all)? Simply add any other Course to your Hub, but change the Buy button to an external URL to point somewhere outside of Teachery 😉.

In this example, you’ll use the Advanced Tip (below) to hide the Login and Learn More buttons in a Course Hub. The Buy buttons will be links directly to the /dashboard pages of the client Courses (or external URLs) you’ve created.

🗂️ Idea: Course Hub as a “Login Portal”

Imagine you ONLY want to show Courses and the Login buttons for them. Using the Advanced Tips (below) to hide the Buy buttons, you can also toggle OFF all the Learn More buttons. This will leave you with a Hub that contains Courses and their Login buttons.

This Hub would be a simple way to always direct a customer to a place to log in to the Courses they have access to.

🌟 Advanced Tip: How to Hide Buy Buttons or Login Buttons in a Course Hub

The Learn More buttons have a simple toggle option in the Hub editor, so you don’t need any custom code for those! However, we didn’t want to add too many on/off button toggles in the Hub editor, plus the Buy and Login buttons are core functionality of a Course Hub. To hide the Buy or Login buttons, you’ll need to use Custom CSS.

Custom CSS to Hide Course Hub Buy Buttons

Grab this snippet of CSS code and add it in the Style Your Hub > Add Custom CSS section. Make sure to Apply Changes AND Publish Changes. In the Custom CSS editor, you should see the Buy buttons disappear from all the Courses shown in your Hub ☑️.

#course-background #hub-background .hub-sections-container .hub-courses-grid .hub-course .hub-course-btns-container .hub-buy-btn {display: none;}

Custom CSS to Hide Course Hub Login Buttons

Grab this snippet of CSS code and add it in the Style Your Hub > Add Custom CSS section. Make sure to Apply Changes AND Publish Changes. In the Custom CSS editor, you should see the Login buttons disappear from all the Courses shown in your Hub ☑️.

NOTE: This CSS will also hide the Learn More buttons, so just be aware of that 😃.

#course-background #hub-background .hub-sections-container .hub-courses-grid .hub-course .hub-additional-btn {display: none;}

We hope you enjoy our Course Hubs feature and we can’t see all the fun things you create!

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