Add Lesson Preview Images

Display images in the lesson boxes on the Overview Page of your course with just a few clicks of your mouse!

Jason Zook avatar
Written by Jason Zook
Updated over a week ago

Want to spice up your course Overview page by displaying image thumbnails in the lesson boxes? This help doc will assist you in adding photos to the lessons on the main page of your course!

While Teachery lessons aren't designed out of the box to have image thumbnails on the Overview Page of your course, you can accomplish this very easily:

Step #1: Click into the Lesson you want to edit (from the editor sidebar on the left)

Step #2: In the "Lesson Title" field you'll want to add an image below the Lesson Title text (or you can remove the text if you don't want text).

  • TIP: Once the image is uploaded, click the image and use the Style button, and set the image to Full Width to fill the entire area nicely!

Step #3: Click back to the Overview Page of your course OR click the "Preview Course" link in the top left of the sidebar to see your course Overview Page in action!

If you do NOT want any text in the Lesson Preview boxes, ONLY IMAGES, simply delete the text above the image and you'll be left with just images.

That's it! πŸŽ‰

πŸ’‘ ADVANCED TIP: If you ONLY want the preview image to display on the Overview Page of your course and not in the Lesson, you can add a small snippet of custom CSS to the Add Custom CSS area of your course (found in the Style Your Course > Add Custom CSS page of the sidebar editor):

#lessons-page .imitate-h2-template-2 img { display: none; }

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